paragraph question

Steinbeck uses foreshadowing in of mice and men to put the readers in suspense as they might think something like that is going to happen for example when candys dog was shot that is foreshadowed into when George shots lennie and this is foreshadowing because when someone shot candys dog he felt really upset as they where together for so long aswell as George and lennie because they where friends for so long and the went everywhere with eachother until lennie weren’t too far and he killed someone and then George shot lennie.






One response to “paragraph question”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This has the makings of a great paragraph on the given question. The areas to fix (and please do this) are:

    1) Follow the simple rules of sentences by using capital letters at the beginning and carefully break sentences using full-stops (if you do this, and there are still problems, I will work with you in more detail on how to resolve these)

    2) You must use at least one quotation to support this argument.

    Your thinking is good, though. Now it’s about getting it onto the page.
