Practice your question

Text is influenced by spoken language as it’s a broken down form of speech. In these modern times, we are obsessed by modern technology and speed. So a quicker way of texting and talking is better and more efficient.

Text language made its way into spoken by adding features into text language like paralinguistic features which is like body language translated into text language for example emoticons to express what people are feeling which body language does.

Some features of text language originate in text language and have made its way into spoken language for example lol is something that originated in text language it stands for laugh out loud in a funny conversation or in a long conversation could stand for lots of love.






One response to “Practice your question”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This is a good start, Casey.

    I recommend that you slow the process of writing the essay down, and take some time in each paragraph to explore the implications of the language modifications that you’re identifying.

    For example: if people add paralinguistic features to their text messages, why are they doing this? What benefit is this to them?

    Also, your introduction discusses brevity in texting, but doesn’t address the main part of the question, which is the idea of features of spoken language moving into texting. Since your introduction is a map to your whole essay, perhaps you might want to write it last, and make sure it gives a good clear outline of what the body of the essay is going to cover, paragraph by paragraph.

    Your writing is reading with increasing confidence and fluency – keep up this great work.

    Mr Waugh
