Petrarchan sonnet

A test through which I steadily progress. A
with neatly written answers placed in turn; B
it all seems well and good until I learn. B
how many problems that I must assess. A
“Insanity!” I cry out in distress, A
and rubbed against the pen,my fingers burn. B
with passion which from desperate lots do spurn. B
to rush through this and maybe reach success. A

As time runs out, though I continue on. C
I know completion cannot be obtained; D
the time for that has long been passed and gone. C
Yet still some shard of hope has been maintained, D
for seeing tears that all my classmates spawn. C
perhaps a hefty curve is to be gained. D


someones life flashing before them.

As time runs out, though I continue on. is the Volta.





