
Q1: how does Shakespeare explore the concept of fate  in Romeo and Juliet?

Shakespeare explores the concept of fate by putting Romeo and Juliet in different positions to become star crossed lovers. There are many different types of fate in Romeo and Juliet, the one of them is when Romeo meets the man who can’t read and read the invite to the capulet party, “Now I’ll tell you without asking. My master is the rich Capulet, and if you be not of the house of Montague, I pray come and crush a cup of wine”. Another one is when Romeo doesn’t get the letter of the plan and goes to Juliet and dies. There are many events in the play that could have completely changed the outcome of the story. The biggest piece of fate would be that their families were enemies. If they had feud even at war, Romeo and Juliet could have been lovers without the trouble of there families fighting for all these years. If the messenger was fast enough to bring the news to Romeo from friar Laurence had seen Romeo. If Balthasar had never seen Juliet laying dead he would not have got to romeo before the messenger got there.






One response to “Essay”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Casey, this piece is a great analysis of moments when fate plays a part on Romeo and Juliet.

    Now it needs quotations to go with each of the examples you’ve given (one for meeting the servant, one for missing the message.. etc)

    Let me know if you need any help finding these quotes.

    Mr Waugh

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